Sunday, November 22, 2009

Mommy Guilt

I remember holding my first born in my arms, and having the feeling of absolute bliss.... for about 2.5 min. Then came the infamous mommy guilt. You know that nagging voice in your head that tells you that you could be doing a better job, with almost every aspect of being a mother. Are you making the best decisions for your little one? Breast milk of Formula? To vaccinate or not? The thoughts run out of control until you think that someone....anyone could do a better job than you.

My most recent encounter with the mommy guilt was just a few days ago. My oldest, Tristen was sent to a pediatric dentist for what I was told was only one cavity. I came out of the office almost in tears; the dentist had informed me that he needed to have 8 teeth repaired. Immediately the guilty thoughts starting coming. "Dammit Crissy, you shouldn't have let him eat all that candy." "If you weren't such a lazy mother you would have made sure he brushed his teeth twice a day." "You should have taken him to the dentist when he was 2 like you were supposed to." "Shit, I really am a bad mom." These were my initial thoughts spiraling out of control to the point that I thought I was a bad mom. When really taking a more logical approach to the situation it was completely out of my control. The dentist told me he has soft enamel and it is very common. Anyways there it most recent mommy quilt story with a 1000 dollar dental bill attached. So much for that new lcd.

So fellow guilty mother rest assured that you are not alone. And if you are looking for a great laugh check out the you tube link below. I am so bring my video camera to T's appointment!!!! Until next time ladies....stay sane in this crazy world of motherhood.


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